Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-DEC 2022


Happy Holidays from CICWQ.

We would like to take this time to thank our members and partner organizations that have tremendously helped in our advocacy effort in 2022. Without your staff and membership support, CICWQ would not be able to accomplish our missions and goals each year.

Our CICWQ Board and Staff would also like to extend Holiday Greetings and well wishes to each of you and your families. May this season of celebration and festivities fill you and your loved ones with blessings and joy that will carry into a prosperous New Year.

As December comes to a close, we reflect on our work in 2022 representing the construction industry on key water quality and water supply reliability issues in California.

We have prepared a summary Year-in-Review for 2022, highlighting the key advocacy issues we worked on and some of our major accomplishments and goals. Most notable is the Construction General Permit for Stormwater adoption by the State Water Resources Control Board, of which CICWQ and its technical and legal advocacy team achieved critical changes that protect the industry from non-compliance fines and penalties.

Additionally, CICWQ highlights some key developments in water supply reliability and conservation measures taken in 2022 to protect our ever-vulnerable water supply here in California. This month, we want to draw your attention to the recent State Water Contractor supply allocation and response from the State Water Contractors.


1) CICWQ 2022 Advocacy -- Year in Review

CICWQ worked throughout 2022 to protect the interests of the construction industry working in California. Read a summary of key issues, including links to additional information on the topics covered.

2) 2023 Water Supply Allocation for State Water Contractors

Despite persistent drought conditions, which continued for most of 2022, California Department of Water Resources (DWR) managers recently made their supply allocations for 2023. The State Water Contractors released a response to the initial allocation of State Water Project (SWP) supplies.

Additional recent information on water conservation efforts can be found directly on the State Water Contractors site.

Mark Grey

Principal Technical Director

Construction Industry Coalition on Water Quality


CICWQ 2022 Year In Review


Construction General Permit Renewal Advocacy for the California Construction Industry