Stay Informed on Construction Industry Water Quality News
News on recent important developments in water quality regulatory and policy-making activities in California and Washington D.C.
Construction & Building Industry News
Each month, CICWQ collects news and information on water quality and water supply reliability topics. Articles cover a wide range of issues affecting the construction industry: water quality and wetlands regulations and policies, water supply, sewer system, and stormwater drainage improvement efforts, and multi-benefit, regional water supply reliability project development.
CICWQ also publishes technical articles and reports periodically and prepares presentations that emphasize water quality research and findings specific to the construction industry.
Cost of Low Impact Development Stormwater Retention Best Management Practices in Orange County, California
CICWQ prepared an extensive analysis of the cost of implementation of low impact development (LID) stormwater best management practices which are required for installation at most private land development projects in Orange County, California greater than 5,000 square feet.
Regional Solutions for Treating Stormwater in Los Angeles County: A Macrofeasibility Study.
CICWQ retained Brown and Caldwell to evaluate the potential for achieving stormwater quality improvements through effective regional approaches. Regional approaches would employ comprehensive best management practices to treat urban runoff from new development sites, and surrounding sites that have already been developed. Many groups in the Los Angeles area are interested in applying regional, watershed scale approaches to achieve long-term water quality improvements.
A Review of the Los Angeles Basin Plan Administrative Record
In 2003 CIWQ funded a detailed analysis and study of the administrative record of the Los Angeles Region Water Quality Control Basin Plan. The study was done to review national and state water quality regulations and policy documents and to assess regulatory compliance actions within the Los Angeles Region for conformity with these policies and regulations. In particular, the study evaluated the designation of beneficial uses, the establishment of water quality objectives, and the implementation of the Basin Plan in the NPDES permitting process, the TMDL process, and other regulatory actions.
Stormwater Funding Options Report
CICWQ provided input, information, and peer review for the preparation of the foundational Stormwater Funding Report, prepared by Ken Farfsing from the City of Signal Hill and Richard Watson from Richard Watson Associates. The Stormwater Funding Report was a major step forward in developing the funding strategy and goals for Los Angeles County, eventually realized in 2018 with the passage of Measure W, Safe Clean Water Program.
Major funding for CICWQ is provided by the Construction Industry Advancement Fund and the Fund for Construction Industry Advancement