
CICWQ extends its sincere and heartfelt sympathy to all those affected by the Los Angeles County wildfires earlier this month. The loss of life and property is devastating and irreplaceable. As construction industry representatives, our membership organizations are doing as much as possible to assist the citizens and public works agencies involved, including providing funding and an array of technical resources as we try to rebuild.

It’s January, and the rainy season is finally here in California, so remember to inspect your construction sites thoroughly, have erosion and sediment control practices in place, and be ready for wet weather conditions. Don’t forget that there is a new SWPPP training system operator for compliance with the General Construction Permit (CGP): the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA). This changeover directly affects all existing Qualified SWPPP Practitioners (QSPs) and Developers (QSDs) who need to maintain their credentials and compliance with the 2022 updated CGP.

On the regulatory front, we want our readers to know the State Water Resources Control Board is in the process of developing a new urban stormwater capture and infiltration policy. The policy is intended to encourage more and safer stormwater capture and storage in groundwater aquifers, with the state currently developing the policy and holding public workshops to present the policy and accept comments and feedback.

And finally, with wildfire comes the potential for flooding and impacts like mud and debris flows during winter rains. Our state agencies, like the Department of Water Resources, have worked for many years to bolster our local agencies’ emergency recovery and response efforts. Read more below about what DWR is doing for direct recovery efforts and to help agencies prepare for and fund public safety improvements.

- Your CICWQ Team


New Training System Operator for Construction General Permit QSDs and QSPs working in California

New Training System Operator for Construction General Permit QSDs and QSPs working in California

With the rainy season upon us, we want to make sure the construction industry and its stormwater professionals are aware that CASQA is taking over responsibility from the Sacramento State University Office of Water Programs for administering the training system for Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD), Practitioner (QSP), and Industrial Stormwater (QISP) training qualification programs via the CASQA website. Certified professionals are required on all construction job sites which obtain a general permit from the state to discharge stormwater.

State Water Resources Control Board Urban Stormwater Infiltration Policy Development

State Water Resources Control Board Urban Stormwater Infiltration Policy Development

The State Water Quality Resources Control Board is developing an urban stormwater infiltration policy. The proposed new policy will encourage the infiltration of urban stormwater to increase groundwater recharge and strengthen local water supply resiliency, provide greater protection to surface water quality, and develop projects that will benefit communities. The Policy will also prohibit infiltration under inappropriate conditions where beneficial groundwater uses may be impacted. To learn more about the policy-making effort, the State has published a 4-page fact sheet and is holding two upcoming workshops on Feb 3 and Feb 6, 2025, to present the policy-making effort and receive public comment and feedback.

California Department of Water Resources Takes Action to Support Recovery and Fire Mitigation Efforts in Los Angeles

As the lead state agency for flood emergency response, DWR has taken steps to prepare for the possibility of flood impacts in burn scar areas. DWR already has 11 locations across the LA region with pre-positioned flood fight materials, including over 250,000 sandbags and other equipment. Additionally, DWR is working with CalOES to determine other locations to store flood fight materials as well as materials needed to protect local watersheds.

Mark Grey

Principal Technical Director

Construction Industry Coalition on Water Quality

Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-DECEMBER 2024