Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Updates-Oct 2021


CICWQ’s October updates. Our regulatory priority is the renewal process for the Construction General Permit for stormwater, which affects nearly all CICWQ member companies and workforce. Water quality MS4 permits are being renewed in the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board jurisdiction and implemented for Los Angeles and Ventura counties by the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board. The Biden Administration proposes changes to the Trump Administration’s development of new criteria for Waters of the United States.


1.) Construction General Permit for Stormwater Renewal


The State is still processing comments from stakeholders submitted in mid-August. CICWQ has been doing email outreach to California contractors, focusing on southern California. Our first outreach email >>

Click below to learn more about the revised permit.

2.) Water Quality Credit Trading Program for Orange County

Orange County Public Works is wrapping up a multi-year study of program feasibility—CICWQ is collaborating with OC Public Works on private sector involvement and program development opportunities and helping write the final report.


3.) New LA-Ventura County Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit Goes Into Effect


New requirements go into effect September 2021; look for allowance of manufactured biofiltration devices and other types of flow-through stormwater treatment systems meeting established testing standards. These devices previously required individual cities to approve their use through a long and expensive process, which was eliminated.

4.) Expect Santa Ana Regional MS4 Permit Release

Public comments are open and can be submitted November – December 2021. DRAFT permit release expected in late 2021. A revised permit is proposed to be regional in scope, with common compliance provisions for the 3-county affected area: North Orange, Western Riverside, and Western San Bernardino.


5.) Biden Administration Halts Trump-Era Waters of the United States Rule


The Biden Administration is reviewing the controversial Waters of the United States (WOTUS) Rule, which was modified during the Trump Administration.


Orange County, California Model Water Quality Credit Trading Program Development


Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Updates-Sep 2021