Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-NOVEMBER 2024
Happy Thanksgiving to all of our readers working in the construction industry. We hope everyone has a safe, relaxing, and fun time with family and friends. The rainy season for 2024-25 is here in California, so remember to inspect your construction sites thoroughly, have erosion and sediment control practices in place, and be ready for wet weather conditions.
This month, we want to remind all of our construction site stormwater management professionals who hold the Qualified SWPPP Developer and Practitioner (QSD/QSP) credential in California that the administration and record-keeping function formerly provided by Sacramento State University Office of Water Programs is transitioning to the California Stormwater Quality Association (CASQA). We highlight the voter-approved Proposition 4, the Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparedness, and Clean Air Bond Act of 2024, also known as the Climate Bond, which includes new funding for water quality and reliability projects up and down the state.
New Training System Operator for Construction General Permit QSDs and QSPs working in California
With the rainy season upon us, we want to make sure the construction industry and its stormwater professionals are aware that CASQA is taking over responsibility from the Sacramento State University Office of Water Programs for administering the training system for Qualified SWPPP Developer (QSD), Practitioner (QSP), and Industrial Stormwater (QISP) training qualification programs via the CASQA website, beginning on November 18, 2024. Certified professionals are required on all construction job sites which obtain a general permit from the state to discharge stormwater.
Join the Construction General Permit Training Team (CGPTT)
The CGPTT is a collaborative group of construction stormwater and erosion and sediment control professionals and trainers who provide input to CASQA and the State Water Board on the CGP Training Program. CICWQ holds two positions on the training team, representing the construction industry. The CGPTT is currently accepting applications for specific areas of expertise, as outlined in a Request for Qualification. SOQs will be accepted until November 29, 2024, at 4:00 PM PST.
4 Climate Bond Approved on November Ballot
Our readers should be aware of voter approval for the $10 billion Climate Bond that funds projects to help California adapt to climate change. CICWQ recognizes the importance of modernizing our entire state’s water system to meet future water supply challenges in the face of climate change. Proposition 4 – Climate Bond includes $3.8 billion for projects to protect the availability and quality of water supplies and protect communities against drought and flooding.
The bond also identifies $610 million for water quality and safe drinking water, $550 million for flood protection, $480 million for dam safety, $386 million for recycling and desalination projects, $386 million for groundwater management, and $75 million each for conservation, storage and regional conveyance.
To learn more about the passage of Proposition 4 and where funding is directed.