Stay Informed on Construction Industry Water Quality News
News on recent important developments in water quality regulatory and policy-making activities in California and Washington D.C.
Construction & Building Industry News
Each month, CICWQ collects news and information on water quality and water supply reliability topics. Articles cover a wide range of issues affecting the construction industry: water quality and wetlands regulations and policies, water supply, sewer system, and stormwater drainage improvement efforts, and multi-benefit, regional water supply reliability project development.
CICWQ also publishes technical articles and reports periodically and prepares presentations that emphasize water quality research and findings specific to the construction industry.
Construction General Permit for Stormwater - Adopted September 8, 2022
The California State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board), on September 8, 2022, adopted a NEW construction general permit for stormwater. Learn how it will affect your construction projects moving forward.
CICWQ on the Construction General Permit Training Team – TMDL Compliance Training and QSP Designee Training Module Development
One of the primary functions of CICWQ is to provide water quality compliance training and education to the construction industry and related stakeholders working in the private and public sectors.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-OCT 2022
CICWQ’s emphasis on California water quality issues remains squarely on the recent renewal of the construction general permit for stormwater. Adopted on September 8, the revised permit will go into effect in one year.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-SEP 2022
A TREMENDOUS THANK YOU to all the companies and individuals who signed the CICWQ Construction Industry Petition to support the industry-led alternative to the California Construction General Permit for Stormwater.
Petition to Change the Construction General Permit for Stormwater
You signed the petetion to support the construction industry and our alternative proposal to the State’s proposed Construction General Permit for stormwater.
California Construction General Permit
The California State Water Resources Control Board (Water Board) is renewing the Construction General Permit (CGP) for stormwater. The Water Board released a Draft CGP at the end of May 2021 for stakeholder…
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-August 2022
It’s been a hot summer in California with all eyes focused on conserving water and finding new ways to improve our supply portfolio. And regulators in Sacramento keep plugging away, moving forward on renewing key regulatory programs impacting the construction industry.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-July 2022
In July, CICWQ would like to focus your attention on several water-related issues affecting the construction industry in California. First, is the renewal of the Construction General Permit for stormwater. Second, the State of California drought response effort and water conservation actions. Finally, the water quality regulatory legislation was proposed in the California Assembly – AB 2106.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-May 2022
This month we continue focusing on the final draft of the Construction General Permit stormwater. Many thanks to our fellow construction members who supported the comment letter effort. In other news, the California drought remains challenging amidst announcements of the record-low snowpack. Get informed about the Pacific Institute's release of a report on Urban Water Conservation.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-Apr 2022
This month we are laser-focused on the State Water Resources Control Board’s (SWB) final draft of the Construction General Permit (CGP) for stormwater. This permit was released on March 30th for stakeholder and public comment. It directly impacts CICWQ’s member companies and workforce building projects in California.
Construction General Permit for Stormwater: 6-Year Review of Enforcement Statistics
CICWQ uses State of California Water Resources Control Board data collected on water quality permit enforcement to examine the types of compliance issues that arise, document the frequency of occurrence, and identify trends. We do this to help educate…
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Update-Dec 2021
In this December edition of the CICWQ News and Information Summary we highlight important water quality regulatory and policy actions and developments from last month and look ahead to 2022.
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Updates-Nov 2021
CICWQ’s November updates. Our regulatory priority is the renewal process for the Construction General Permit for stormwater, which affects nearly all CICWQ member …
Podcast Recording: California Construction General Permit for Stormwater Renewal
Listen to a podcast produced by Rebuild SoCal Partnership featuring Dave Mercier, P.E., from Michael Baker International (MBI) and Mark Grey, Ph.D…
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Updates-Oct 2021
CICWQ’s October updates. Our regulatory priority is the renewal process for the Construction General Permit for stormwater, which affects nearly all CICWQ member companies and workforce. Water quality MS4 permits are being renewed…
Water Quality and Supply Issues Monthly Updates-Sep 2021
CICWQ’s September updates. The CICWQ team presented a 50-minute presentation on the impact of water quality TMDL pollutant removal requirements. And there is a new Executive Officer at the Santa Ana Regional…
CICWQ Presentation on TMDL Compliance in the DRAFT California Construction General Permit
This presentation focuses on how the construction industry in California is approaching potential compliance with Numeric Effluent Limits (NELs) and Numeric Action Levels (NALs) as proposed in the renewal of the California Construction General Permit for Stormwater.
Analysis of Construction Industry Stormwater Permit Enforcement Data and Recommendations for Industry Improvements
CICWQ uses State of California enforcement reporting data on rates of compliance and types and numbers of violations each year to produce summary presentations relevant and specific to the construction industry. Analysis of the data supports education in permit compliance and where specific actions are working and where improvements are needed.
Evaluation of Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Products for Release of Heavy Metals
CICWQ worked with researchers at San Diego State University Soil Erosion Research Laboratory to examine 19 different construction site erosion and sediment control best management practices (BMPs) for their ability to control sediment and metals in stormwater runoff. The study was done to assist in the selection of BMPs for construction sites that are required to meet Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) regulations in the Los Angeles River and San Gabriel River watersheds in southern California.
Stormwater Runoff Following Wildfire in Southern California
CICWQ and the Construction Industry Advancement Fund, along with other collaborators, provided funding to SCCWRP to conduct a comprehensive analysis of loading of stormwater runoff following wildfire in Southern California. Work was done to research and build the scientific record concerning the natural loading of sediment and other constituents in stormwater runoff from areas following wildfire and areas unburned.
Major funding for CICWQ is provided by the Construction Industry Advancement Fund and the Fund for Construction Industry Advancement